Why Snow is Good for Spring Bulbs
In many parts of the country, it’s been an unusually cold and snowy winter. While we have been busy shoveling sidewalks and warming cold fingers, it’s comforting to know that the flower bulbs in our gardens haveRead More

Color Trends in the Garden and Beyond
Most of us won’t be back in the garden for a few months yet, but now is the time to be ordering seeds, bulbs, and plants. As you’re doing so,Read More

How to Overwinter Dahlias
Unlike most annuals and perennials, dahlias are at their best from late summer through early fall. But as they say, all good things must come to an end. By mid to lateRead More

Winter Storage for Summer Bulbs and Tubers
gro Summer bulbs are the stars of my late summer garden. Dahlias, cannas, glads, acidanthera and eucomis keep the color going long after most perennials have faded. But in the northern half of theRead More

How to Combine Alliums with Perennials
Garden designers love using alliums and it’s easy to see why. These unusual and highly attractive flower globes grab your eyes with their bold shapes and sparkly florets. They bloom for weeksRead More

Less Water, More Flowers: 8 Tips for a Water-Saving Flower Garden
Watering your flower garden can be relaxing, but it can also become a time-consuming chore. And, in many areas, outdoor watering is being restricted in ways that make it difficultRead More

Off With Their Heads: How and Why to Deadhead Flowers
If you are a flower gardener, deadheading is a task you can’t ignore. Removing spent flowers keeps your plants looking neat and tidy. More importantly, deadheading discourages plants from producingRead More

7 Tips for Growing and Using Gladiolus
Of all the flowers you can grow in your garden, glads are surely among the easiest. Simply tuck the corms into the ground in spring and come back 90 daysRead More

The Best Options for Staking Dahlias
Not all dahlias need support. But staking is a must for varieties that grow more than 3 feet tall. Though dahlias can develop stalks as thick as broom handles, they have a significant design flaw. TheirRead More

6 Tips for Growing Clematis – the Queen of Climbers
Clematis can play an important role in any flower garden. As they scramble up trellises, climb over arbors and thread themselves through other plants, these perennial vines weave a living tapestry of color and texture.Read More