How to Grow Ranunculus in Zones 4-6
Ranunculus are elegant spring flowers with rose-like blossoms that are packed with paper-thin petals. They are popular — and pricy — cut flowers with a very long vase life. Growing ranunculus at home isn’t difficult,Read More

Force Branches for Winter Blooms
Once the holiday season has passed, the sight of crispy brown leaves, frosty grass, and hazy gray skies may leave you feeling down. This is the time to force branches for winter bloomsRead More

How to Start Flower Seeds Indoors
Starting flowers from seed is a fun and rewarding experience that can be easily accomplished inside your home. Here are the tools, instructions, and troubleshooting tips needed to grow theRead More

10 Essential Cut Flower Gardening Books
Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved two things: books and flowers. I credit my grandparents for planting these passions deep in my heart. My grandfather wasRead More

How to Control Fungus Gnats on Indoor Plants
If you have houseplants or grow indoor bulbs like amaryllis, you may have some experience with fungus gnats. Sometimes called root gnats, these small flying insects seem to appear out of nowhere. And if youRead More

How to Know When Amaryllis Bulbs Will Flower
If you have purchased amaryllis bulbs and are wondering when they will bloom, read on! Watching and waiting is all part of the fun, but this post will give you some idea of what toRead More

Creative Ways to Gift Amaryllis
Gifting amaryllis bulbs is a holiday tradition that brightens cold winter months with spectacular blooms. Watching the bulbs come into bloom is half the fun and will have you runningRead More

Amaryllis Planting Tips – From Erin at The Impatient Gardener
Amaryllis are incredibly easy to grow indoors. Plant a few bulbs in pots during the fall, and you’ll have flowers blooming all winter long. But even with bulbs as easy as amaryllis, experienced gardeners knowRead More

Growing Amaryllis Outdoors in Zones 9-11
If you live in a warm climate where winter temperatures never dip below 10°F (hardiness zones 9-11), you can grow amaryllis outdoors as perennials. These tropical bulbs will put on an impressive show inRead More

How to Plant a Carpet of Blue Spring Flowers
Years ago, Martha Stewart Living Magazine featured an article about a bulb planting project at Martha’s home in Bedford, NY. The goal was to create a swath of blue spring flowers thatRead More