Color Trends in the Garden and Beyond
Most of us won’t be back in the garden for a few months yet, but now is the time to be ordering seeds, bulbs, and plants. As you’re doing so,Read More
How to Combine Alliums with Perennials
Garden designers love using alliums and it’s easy to see why. These unusual and highly attractive flower globes grab your eyes with their bold shapes and sparkly florets. They bloom for weeksRead More
Less Water, More Flowers: 8 Tips for a Water-Saving Flower Garden
Watering your flower garden can be relaxing, but it can also become a time-consuming chore. And, in many areas, outdoor watering is being restricted in ways that make it difficultRead More
Best Fillers for a Cut Flower Garden
Foliage and fillers are the backbone of a cutting garden. The best fillers for a cut flower garden provide structure, bulk, and interest to bouquets. A steady supply of bothRead More
7 Tips for Growing and Using Gladiolus
Of all the flowers you can grow in your garden, glads are surely among the easiest. Simply tuck the corms into the ground in spring and come back 90 daysRead More
5 Ways to Make Your Garden More Butterfly-Friendly
It’s always a joy to see butterflies passing through your garden. Wouldn’t it be fun if it happened more often? Though butterflies appear to be flying around randomly, they are actually on aRead More
Why is Stargazer the World’s Most Popular Lily?
Many types of flowers fill my gardens, but none can compete with the extravagant, intensely fragrant blossoms of lilies. That month in late summer when the lilies are in bloom is my favorite time ofRead More
Which Flowers Do Hummingbirds Like Best?
Hummingbirds are so fun to watch, as they zoom around your yard at 30 to 40 mph. Did you know that hummingbirds are unique to North and South America? You will never seeRead More
Best Companion Plants for Spring Bulbs
I love the way spring bulbs look in a naturalized setting. But I like them even better when they are blooming in a garden among other plants. Virginia bulb grower BrentRead More
Force Branches for Winter Blooms
Once the holiday season has passed, the sight of crispy brown leaves, frosty grass, and hazy gray skies may leave you feeling down. This is the time to force branches for winter bloomsRead More