Why is Stargazer the World’s Most Popular Lily?
Many types of flowers fill my gardens, but none can compete with the extravagant, intensely fragrant blossoms of lilies. That month in late summer when the lilies are in bloom is my favorite time ofRead More

Growing Lilies in Nursery Pots for Late Season Color
I love lilies and have planted dozens of them in my flower gardens, including Asiatics, Orientals, trumpets, OT lilies and species lilies. Though I usually manage to add a few new ones each year, the bedsRead More

New Lilies for Your Summer Flower Garden
I can’t imagine my summer garden without lilies. Over time, I have planted so many different types and varieties that I now have lilies blooming continuously from mid-June through August. Though my gardenRead More

How to Control Red Lily Leaf Beetles
The red lily leaf beetle (Lilioceris lilii) is a destructive pest that feeds almost exclusively on true lilies (Lilium spp.), including Asiatic and Oriental lilies as well as Orienpets and species lilies.Read More

Types of Lilies: Asiatics, Orientals, Trumpets and More!
Can you recognize the differences between an Asiatic lily and an Oriental lily? How about between a trumpet lily and a tiger lily? If not, you and your garden are probably missingRead More

New Perennials for Your Flower Garden
I feel like we all deserve some treats for surviving 2020. So I have decided to reward myself with some new plants. If you have come to the same conclusion and still have aRead More

Top Lilies for Your Flower Garden
Every flower garden needs lilies. These easy, summer-blooming bulbs always put on a stunning display. Their long-lasting flowers are big and bold, yet supremely elegant. They are also wonderful cut flowers. There are dozens ofRead More

A Midsummer Tour of Our Trial Garden
August is just a couple days away, and in our New Jersey trial garden the heat is definitely ON! We are located in the eastern part of the state about 10 miles fromRead More

8 Tips for Growing Better Lilies
Lilies have an elegance few other flowers can rival. With such big, exotic-looking blossoms, it seems like they’d be tricky to grow. But they’re not! Here are eight tips for growing liliesRead More

Fragrant Lilies for Your Summer Garden
Summer is filled with so many good smells: suntan lotion, burgers on the grill, rain at the end of a hot day, and my personal favorite… lilies! From mid-July toRead More