Best Cut Flowers for Shady Gardens
Do you want to grow cut flowers, but have a garden that’s too shady? You may have heard that cut flowers require full sun, and gardens in partial shade areRead More

Best Ground Covers for Shade
Shade-tolerant ground covers are low maintenance plants that thrive in cool, moist areas. They can grow where lawn grasses often struggle, and are unfazed by difficult terrain. Most are long-lived perennials that become more beautifulRead More

Sun Tolerant Caladiums
The caladium’s showy, often brightly colored foliage provides summer-long beauty in hot and humid climates where many other plants struggle. Their good looks and reliability make them a popular choice for shady yards andRead More

How to Use Ferns in Your Garden or Landscape
Walk through almost any natural area that is shady and moist, and you are bound to see ferns. These ubiquitous native plants carpet the ground in woodlands and wetlands. They gather aroundRead More

What’s Your Favorite Hosta?
If you grow hostas, you probably have more than one variety in your garden. Mixing and matching foliage colors, leaf sizes and textures is part of what makes them soRead More

12 Best Companion Plants for Hostas
Hostas have no trouble holding their own in a shady garden. Yet there are many other shade loving perennials that make excellent companions. By adding their own contrasting colors, shapes, heightsRead More

How to Make Your Shade Garden Shine
If your yard is shadier than you’d like, you may feel a bit jealous of gardeners with lots of sun. But a shade garden offers some unique design opportunities. Here areRead More

Sun or Shade: How Sunlight Affects Plants
Some plants are not fussy about whether they are planted in sun or shade, but most have a preference. When a plant doesn’t thrive, the problem may be either too much or tooRead More

7 Tips for Growing Hostas
Hostas are the go-to perennial for shady gardens, and for good reason. These rugged plants live for decades and require virtually no attention. Rake away the old leaves in spring andRead More

Tuberous Begonias: How and When to Start Them Indoors
For bold summer color in a shady yard, it’s hard to beat tuberous begonias. These lush, tropical plants ask very little, yet bloom so prolifically. Their elegant, rose-like flowers dress up any outdoorRead More