Types of Dahlias: Flower Styles and Sizes
Dahlias make it easy to keep your garden colorful from late summer through fall. As other annuals and perennials are starting to fade, dahlias are just getting started. They turn on theRead More

Midsummer Update from Our Trial Garden
For Longfield Gardens, home is the Garden State: New Jersey. Our offices and warehouse are located in the eastern part of the state, less than 10 miles from the ocean. About 5 years ago,Read More

Planting Dahlias in Your Vegetable Garden
One thing all dahlia lovers have in common is a shortage of growing space. No matter how big your garden is, there are always more must-have varieties than you have room for. Last spring, IRead More

Making an Impact With Border Dahlias
The only way to really understand a plant is to grow it yourself. So in our business, we wind up growing a lot of plants. We have a large trial garden behind ourRead More

Planting Tuberous Begonias: Which End Is Up?
Begonias were named the National Garden Bureau’s 2016 annual of the year. This family of heat-loving and mostly shade-loving plants, includes rex begonias, wax begonias, Begonia boliviensis (‘Bonfire’) and our favorite — tuberous begonias. ARead More

How to Plan for a More Colorful Flower Garden
Like most flowers gardens, yours probably looks its best in June. That’s peak bloom time for classics like peonies, bearded iris, Asiatic lilies, clematis, campanulas, baptisia and delphiniums. As summer progresses, we all struggle to maintainRead More

Fragrant Lilies for Your Summer Garden
Summer is filled with so many good smells: suntan lotion, burgers on the grill, rain at the end of a hot day, and my personal favorite… lilies! From mid-July toRead More

Dahlias from Bud to Bloom
Sometimes flowers take you by surprise and seem to burst into bloom overnight. But more often, it’s a slower process that happens over days or even weeks. Watching andRead More

Elephant Ears: Late Summer Fireworks for Pots and Planters
Gardeners are pushing container plantings to new heights. Both pots and plants keep getting bigger and more spectacular. Along with canna lilies, ornamental grasses and even bananas, one of theRead More

Eucomis: Why Grow Pineapple Lilies?
Last summer I grew eucomis for the first time. As you can see in the photo above, it was a big success. I discovered that pineapple lilies are incredibly easy to grow,Read More