How to Overwinter Dahlias
Unlike most annuals and perennials, dahlias are at their best from late summer through early fall. But as they say, all good things must come to an end. By mid to lateRead More

Winter Storage for Summer Bulbs and Tubers
gro Summer bulbs are the stars of my late summer garden. Dahlias, cannas, glads, acidanthera and eucomis keep the color going long after most perennials have faded. But in the northern half of theRead More

7 Tips for Growing and Using Gladiolus
Of all the flowers you can grow in your garden, glads are surely among the easiest. Simply tuck the corms into the ground in spring and come back 90 daysRead More

Acidanthera: Fragrant Flowers for Late Summer
Acidanthera is a summer-blooming bulb that deserves a place in every flower garden. Considering how easy they are to grow, and the affordable price of the bulbs, it’s puzzling why so fewRead More

Dinnerplate Dahlias: Tips for Success
Dahlias are amazing plants. It takes less than three months for them to grow from potato-like tubers to chest height plants with dozens of flowers. The dahlia’s genetic diversity is equally impressive. You can spend aRead More

Growing Lilies in Nursery Pots for Late Season Color
I love lilies and have planted dozens of them in my flower gardens, including Asiatics, Orientals, trumpets, OT lilies and species lilies. Though I usually manage to add a few new ones each year, the bedsRead More

Shake Up Your Garden With Elephant Ears
Want to add some excitement and personality to your garden this summer? Plant elephant ears! These tropical plants can grow up to 6 feet tall, with leaves as long as your arm.Read More

How to Grow Ranunculus in Zones 4-6
Ranunculus are elegant spring flowers with rose-like blossoms that are packed with paper-thin petals. They are popular — and pricy — cut flowers with a very long vase life. Growing ranunculus at home isn’t difficult,Read More

New Lilies for Your Summer Flower Garden
I can’t imagine my summer garden without lilies. Over time, I have planted so many different types and varieties that I now have lilies blooming continuously from mid-June through August. Though my gardenRead More

Don’t Miss These New Dahlias for 2022
As the demand for dahlias continues to grow, orders are coming in earlier and earlier every year. This means by the time we highlight the season’s new varieties, many have already sold out.Read More