Hosta Inspiration
Perhaps no other garden plant has been so underestimated as hostas. Often just the classic go-to perennial for shade gardens, many people are surprised at the variation in leaves and uses in gardens and containers. Hostas can inspire every gardener toRead More

Daffodil Bulbs for Landscaping
Nature presents us with the gift of daffodils every spring. Cold, wet and rainy weather doesn’t bother these cheery, spring-blooming bulbs. No matter where you grow daffodil bulbs, they always bloom right on schedule, bringing the promise of warmer days to come! Daffodils areRead More

Magnificent Muscari – Blooming Now!
Commonly known as grape hyacinths, muscari are small flowers that are big on style. These fall-planted bulbs produce charming spring flowers in beautiful hues of blue and purple. They are perfect for containers, borders and combine well with most other spring-blooming flowers and plants. Muscari in theRead More

Oh No DEER…Not Here!
If deer are causing problems in your yard and garden, here are some ways to protect your plants. Home Remedies Natural repellents like dish soap, cayenne pepper, sour milk, garlic and rotten eggs are ingredients some gardeners use to repel deer (althoughRead More