Color Trends in the Garden: 2013
The color experts at Pantone are recognized worldwide for their color matching system and their semi-annual fashion reports that predict the hot new colors for each season. As soon as these fashion reports are released, clothing and home goods designers scramble to produce their wares in these designated colors. For gardeners, Pantone’s seasonal colorRead More

Wedding Flowers: Calla Lily
The first thing to know about calla lilies is they are not actually lilies. These sleek and sophisticated flowers are members of the plant species Zantedeschia, and are native to South Africa. Though distant in their origin, today they are one of the world’s most popularRead More

Growing Elephant Ears in Your Home and Garden
WHAT ARE ELEPHANT EARS? The plants we know as elephant ears come from two tropical plant species: Alocasia and Colocasia. Both are heat-loving foliage plants that grow from fist-sized tubers. In home gardens, elephant ear tubers are planted in the spring after the soil is warm and there’sRead More

Using a Terrarium to Start Tuberous Begonias
Terrariums are the latest trend in home décor, but did you know that you can use them to get a jump start on your garden? Terrariums can act as a countertop greenhouse for growing tuberous begonias. Spring is right around theRead More

Starting Tuberous Begonias Indoors
Have you heard the old saying “You can’t fool Mother Nature?” Clearly whomever coined the phrase never started tuberous begonias indoors! Gardeners are always eager for the gardening season to begin, and sometimes winter can make us feel less like cozy hibernating bearsRead More