Love Alliums? Check Out Our New Planning Guide
Every garden looks better with alliums. Their globe-like flowers are big attention-getters that add structure, motion and personality wherever they are planted. These fall-planted bulbs will grow almost anywhere. They’re not bothered by deer, rabbits and other garden pests, yet they are magnets for bees and butterflies! ManyRead More

Another Reason to Love Ornamental Alliums: Seed Heads!
The big, round flower heads of ornamental alliums are irresistible — at least they are to me. My gardens now contain about a dozen different types, yet still I crave more. There’s just something so unexpected and playful about them. These hardy and reliableRead More

Bloom Time Chart for Allium Bulbs
If you’re one of the many gardeners who have fallen in love with alliums, our new bloom time chart could get you into some trouble. We have organized the 12 most popular allium bulbs by height, flower size and bloom time. ThisRead More

How to Use Alliums in a Naturalistic Garden Design
There’s nothing subtle about alliums. Their round flower heads and slender, leafless stems make them look like exclamation points in the landscape. Though alliums have big personalities, these spring-blooming bulbs are incredibly versatile. The following garden design was created by Columbus-based garden designer NickRead More

Love Alliums? See How a Garden Designer Puts Them to Work
Alliums are a great way to add color and excitement to your early summer flower garden. These big-blooming perennials are incredibly easy to grow, yet many people are unsure about how to integrate them into a garden design. To get you inspired about growing alliums, we turned toRead More

Celebrating Spring Bulbs – From Bud to Bloom
One of the best things about spring-flowering bulbs is how quickly they come into bloom. At the first sign of warmer weather, they practically leap from the ground and burst into flower. Spring bulbs are uniquely adapted to being the first flowers on the scene.Read More

Pick Your Favorite Alliums and Pin It to Win It!
If you haven’t already ordered your allium bulbs, now’s the time! Like tulips and daffodils, ornamental alliums are planted in the fall for flowers next spring and early summer. Which alliums are you planting this fall? Many people don’t realize thatRead More

Plant Ornamental Allium Bulbs Now for Flowers Next Spring
Alliums may be the easiest plants you’ll ever grow. The only tricky thing about them is remembering that they need to be planted in the fall, at the same time as tulips and daffodils. If you haven’t already ordered alliumRead More

Are You Ready to Enjoy an AMAZING Bulb Garden Next Spring?
Fall is for planting and our new Around the House Inspiration Book is filled with creative planting ideas for every location around your home! It’s available now as a free download — and here’s a peek at what you’ll findRead More

6 Reasons Your Flower Garden Needs Alliums
Tulip season may be drawing to a close, but I can always count on alliums to grab the baton and lead my garden right into summer. Here are a few of the many reasons I’m a big fan of ornamentalRead More