Early-Blooming Flower Bulbs Announce Spring’s Return
Though the calendar says we still have a couple more weeks of winter, in many parts of the country, spring flower bulbs are already up and starting to bloom. Winter-weary gardeners are giving a collective sigh of relief and patting themselves on the back for making time to plant flowerRead More

Hurry Spring with Early-Blooming Bulbs
I don’t care what the calendar says. At my house it’s not spring until I can see a flower in bloom. That’s why I count on snowdrops, crocuses and chionodoxa to fill my year with more spring and less winter. Snowdrops are the first spring bulbsRead More

Plan Ahead for the First Flowers of Spring
Where I live, in zone 4, the ground is frozen solid for at least 4 months of the year. So by late March or early April, I’m outdoors daily, looking for signs of spring. What a joy it is toRead More

Blooming Now – Crocus and Tulips
Right now spring gardens are in full bloom (or will be in bloom soon). While planning has to happen months in advance, inspiration happens while bulbs are blooming! The best way to get the most out of your garden season is toRead More