How to Force Hyacinth Bulbs for Indoor Flowers
Dutch hyacinths are among the world’s most fragrant flowers. These spring-blooming bulbs flower at the same time as daffodils and tulips. They are a beautiful addition to any yard or garden, and the bulbs grow as well in containers as they do inRead More

How to Overwinter Dahlias
Dahlias are heat loving plants that grow best with lots of sun, 80 to 90 degree temperatures and nice warm soil. Unlike most annuals and perennials, they are at their best in late summer and they keep right on blooming rightRead More

How to Protect Fall Bulbs From Chipmunks and Squirrels
For gardeners, fall is planting time for tulips, daffodils, alliums and other spring-blooming bulbs. While we’re busy planting our bulbs, chipmunks and squirrels are busy gathering nuts, berries and seeds for the winter ahead. If you’re a rodent working hard to fillRead More

Bloom Time Chart for Allium Bulbs
If you’re one of the many gardeners who have fallen in love with alliums, our new bloom time chart could get you into some trouble. We have organized the 12 most popular allium bulbs by height, flower size and bloom time. ThisRead More

Where to Plant Fall Bulbs: There’s Always Room for More
Summer is fading fast and soon it will be time for sweaters, warm tea and… planting fall bulbs. It’s your once-a-year opportunity to pull out all the stops and go wild with color. (That’s tulip Princess Irene and muscari armeniacum above.)Read More

Best Daffodils for Naturalizing
Nothing shouts, “spring” like daffodils. Their sunny flowers, blooming in carefree abundance, are the perfect tonic after a long winter. Daffodils make it easy to create an ever more impressive show of color. As soon as the bulbs have finished blooming, theyRead More

Know Your Lilies: Asiatics, Orientals, Trumpets and More!
It’s pretty easy to tell the difference between daylilies (hemerocallis) and true lillies (lilium). Daylilies have a dense root system, long, strappy foliage and clusters of flowers on wiry stems. True lilies grow from bulbs. They have a prominent, upright stalk thatRead More

Best Practices for Watering Plants
Summer is vacation season, and if you’re leaving home for more than a few days, you’ll probably need to ask someone to water your garden and containers. When I’m away, my instructions for which plants need to be watered and how much and how often to waterRead More

Fertilizer Basics — Why and How to Feed Your Plants
Plants that are well fed are healthier, more pest and disease resistant, and produce bigger, better crops of flowers and fruit. As gardeners we are eager to do right by our plants and wouldn’t want them to go hungry. Unfortunately, most gardenRead More