Love Alliums? Check Out Our New Planning Guide
Every garden looks better with alliums. Their globe-like flowers are big attention-getters that add structure, motion and personality wherever they are planted. These fall-planted bulbs will grow almost anywhere. They’re not bothered by deer, rabbits and other garden pests, yet they are magnets for bees and butterflies! ManyRead More

There’s Always Room for Daffodils
This guest post about daffodils was written by Melinda Myers, nationally-known gardening expert, TV/radio host, author & columnist . Daffodils are probably my favorite spring flowering bulbs. Their cheery color, animal resistance and versatility makes it easy to incorporate them intoRead More

This Year’s Staff Favorites for Fall Planting
Free flower bulbs is one of the perks that we enjoy as employees of Longfield Gardens. So as you might imagine, when it’s fall planting season, most of us wind up bringing home lots of flower bulbs for our home gardens! It’s a great opportunity to see how theseRead More

Muscari: Perfect Partners for Spring Bulbs
This year, when you’re ordering your fall bulbs, make sure to include some muscari. These carefree bulbs — better known as grape hyacinths — are beautiful on their own, but what muscari really excel at is collaborating. Their compact height and soothing blueRead More

Our Top 10 Daffodils and Why We Love Them
If I had to choose my favorite daffodil, I’d probably pick a yellow one with a big trumpet. Yellow trumpet daffodils are far and away the world’s most popular style. But why stop there when the daffodil world has so much more toRead More

Fresh Ideas for Growing Cannas in Your Garden
There is nothing subtle about cannas. With their big leaves, impressive height and vibrant, orchid-like flowers, these flashy extroverts love being the center of attention. Finding new and creative ways to use all that exuberant energy is exactly what makes them soRead More

Give Your Garden a Lift with Clematis
Clematis and other flowering vines, play a special role in flower gardens. Since these plants grow up rather than out, they fill spaces that other plants can’t, and introduce a whole new dimension of color and texture. In Britain, most flower gardens include one or moreRead More

Amaryllis: A Simple Gift for the Holidays
The halls are decked and the weather is turning colder. It’s that time of the year when we all begin scrambling for holiday gifts for everyone on our list. In addition to all the other preparations leading up to the holidays, gift-giving can be stressful if youRead More

The Perfect Pair: Daffodils and Hostas
Daffodils blooming means spring has arrived and warmer days are ahead! I love seeing their bright yellow, orange and white blossoms popping up all over my garden and landscape. Unfortunately, daffodil foliage that hangs around too long is not what IRead More