Muscari: Perfect Partners for Spring Bulbs
This year, when you’re ordering your fall bulbs, make sure to include some muscari. These carefree bulbs — better known as grape hyacinths — are beautiful on their own, but what muscari really excel at is collaborating. Their compact height and soothing blueRead More

Growing Muscari in Containers
Muscari are one of my favorite spring flowers. They aren’t as big and showy as tulips or daffodils, but they do: have heavenly blue flowers make ideal companions for every other type of bulb are reliably perennial smell good —Read More

Muscari: The Special Sauce for Your Spring Garden
If you love flowers, Holland’s Keukenhof gardens should definitely be on your bucket list. When you’re there, you will see a LOT of muscari. That’s because these grape-scented flowers, commonly known as grape hyacinths, are the perfect companion for every spring-blooming bulb.Read More