New Dahlias for 2018
I came to dahlias relatively late in life. Had I gotten an earlier start, by now I would have grown hundreds of different varieties. As it is, I’m playing catch up. There are still so many dahlias I have yetRead More

Dahlias: Why You Can’t Always Get What You Want
January and February are the peak selling season for dahlias. It’s still months before we start shipping tubers, but dahlia lovers are always eager to reserve their favorites. They know from experience that the only way to make sure you get the varieties you want is to order them early. ThereRead More

Three Reasons to Grow Amaryllis Bulbs This Winter
Cold, grey days are so much easier to manage when you have flowers in the house. If you haven’t already squirreled away your winter supply of amaryllis bulbs, here are three reasons to get that order placed as soon as possible: ExploreRead More

How to Use Amaryllis as Cut Flowers
If you visit a high end floral shop during the winter months, it’s likely you’ll see lots of amaryllis. Floral designers are crazy for these big-blooming flower bulbs, because the blossoms are bold, elegant and long-lasting. In the floral trade, the demand for amaryllis as cut flowersRead More

Planted Your Fall Bulbs Yet? There’s Still Time!
Flower bulbs are incredibly forgiving. This fact is driven home to us every year when we start planting fall bulbs in our New Jersey trial garden. We always intend to get this project underway sooner, but have accepted the fact that for us, plantingRead More

Shredded Leaves are Garden Gold
Raking leaves may not be your favorite thing to do on a beautiful fall day. But rather than thinking of it as a chore, think of it as harvesting! For gardeners, shredded leaves are the season’s most abundant – andRead More

How to Protect Flower Bulbs from Voles
Voles are cute little mouse-like rodents with long tails and big appetites. Unlike moles, which are carnivores, voles are strictly herbivores. They eat plant roots and tubers, mushrooms, berries, seeds and nuts, and the bark of shrubs and small trees. And, unfortunately, theyRead More

Amaryllis With a Difference: Unusual Colors and Flower Styles
For me, amaryllis are a necessity. I always feel a bit lost during the winter when I can’t be in my garden. Planting amaryllis bulbs and watching them grow is both comforting and satisfying. It’s just enough like gardening to keep me saneRead More

Love Alliums? Check Out Our New Planning Guide
Every garden looks better with alliums. Their globe-like flowers are big attention-getters that add structure, motion and personality wherever they are planted. These fall-planted bulbs will grow almost anywhere. They’re not bothered by deer, rabbits and other garden pests, yet they are magnets for bees and butterflies! ManyRead More

Out with the Tomatoes, In with the Tulips
Wouldn’t it be fun to plant a LOT of tulips this fall? Maybe 200. Or why not 500? Enough to have your own spring cutting garden with a full range of flower styles and bloom times. To finally experience some ofRead More