Taking The Heat!

Given the cooler weather that most of the US has experienced this spring, it’s hard to believe I am writing about the dog days of summer. Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but the sun is shining today and I say bring on the heat! Even though warmer temperatures haven’t made an appearance in every region, now is the time to start planning and planting! 

The dead of summer brings along with it the challenges of maintaining a beautiful garden and landscape. The plants listed below are heat tolerant, so they will take the heat and still look great. To ensure your garden thrives in the summer choose heat tolerant plants that won’t wilt under the heat of summer.


Hello beautiful! Summer has a pageant queen and her name is Canna. This beauty takes center stage with exotic blooms and big, leafy foliage that keep performing all the way to the first frost. 

Canna up close

Canna as a border

Big blooms with impressive leaf textures and variations in leaf color make great summer borders and look fantastic in containers.



Elegant, smooth blooms atop sturdy stems are summer stunners in many different colors. They almost look delicate, but they can take the heat!  Calla lily is an extraordinary flower, ideal for beds, borders, containers and bouquets. Easy to grow and care for, they are simple summer bloomers.


Stunning in gardens and in vases.



These large leafed plants will become the conversation piece of your outdoor space. Gardeners grow elephant ear because it feels like you own a piece of the tropics. When summer is hot, you can feel like you are on vacation in your own back yard…on any given Monday!

Elephant ear in landscapes

Elephant ear look great in summer gardens. This tall variety is a beautiful backdrop to your other garden plants. Read more about elephant ear here.



Eucomis (pronounced YOU-com-iss) is full sun, heat tolerant  and unique. It looks stunning in gardens and as a decorative element in containers. Thick foliage and spikey blooms add interest & beauty while thriving in the heat of summer.

Eucomis in the garden

Eucomis in containers

Eucomis looks great in gardens and so charming in containers.

Heat loving bulbs and tubers do best when soil temperatures reach at 65-70 degrees F, so check your soil temperature before planting to ensure success. You can find a beautiful selection of spring planted bulbs and tubers on our website.

What is your favorite summer flower or plant?