A New Look At Glads

Plums, cherries and glads

One of my fondest memories as a child is of wandering through my grandmother’s garden behind her house. I felt like I entered a magical forest as I stepped off the nice green lawn and into her garden full of gladiolus. Many years past and many glads divided from those days, gladiolus are still a part of my own garden, classically stoic in beds but with many contemporary uses for them as cut flowers.

Gladiolus look great in border gardens, vegetable gardens, along fences and walls and grown for cutting gardens. This year our cutting gardens bloomed brightly with glads, and as summer peaked we felt compelled to experiment with how stylish and glamorous these old classics can be!

As summer wears down, gladiolus are either blooming at their peak or you are already enjoying them in your vases. Below are photos from our cutting gardens, styled in various ways. We hope you find inspiration and if you would like to see our full collection of gladiolus to start planning your spring bulb shopping, you can see them on our website.

Have you grown glads? What have you loved about them?

Gladiolus on patioDecorate your outdoor space with cut flowers. Glads make a great centerpiece, adding height. 

Pink gladsWe love the bi-color blooms in these glads! 

Yellow and orange gladsFresh yellow, peach and orange in these gladiolus capture the essence of summer.

Yellow glads in white pitcherFresh yellow glads in a white pitcher makes a perfect centerpiece when styled with citrus and a charming burlap cloth.



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