New Dahlias for 2018
I came to dahlias relatively late in life. Had I gotten an earlier start, by now I would have grown hundreds of different varieties. As it is, I’m playing catch up. There are still so many dahlias I have yetRead More

Dahlias: Why You Can’t Always Get What You Want
January and February are the peak selling season for dahlias. It’s still months before we start shipping tubers, but dahlia lovers are always eager to reserve their favorites. They know from experience that the only way to make sure you get the varieties you want is to order them early. ThereRead More

Late Summer Flower Bulbs Hit Their Stride
August is an exciting time in our trial garden. There’s something new to admire every single day. This month the stars of the show are summer bulbs, and in particular, cannas and dahlias. Here’s a quick peek at what we’reRead More

How to Grow Dahlias in a Cutting Garden
It’s midsummer and the dahlias are coming on strong. This year, my cutting garden is filled with 70 of these solar-powered flower-producing machines. Hopefully this is the peak of my dahlia obsession and I’ll be able to scale back next year. (Yeah,Read More

8 Tips for Growing Better Dahlias
Dahlia fever is running wild through the gardening world and there’s no sign of it stopping anytime soon. If you have caught the dahlia bug, here are eight tips for growing bigger, better flowers this summer.

New Dahlias and a Sneak Peek at This Year’s Cutting Garden
I know January is only 31 days long, but this year it seemed to last forever. Thankfully that cold and dreary month is in the rear view window and I can start looking ahead to this year’s cutting garden! As usual, I’m reserving about 80% of the space for dahlias. TheRead More

How to Overwinter Dahlias
Dahlias are heat loving plants that grow best with lots of sun, 80 to 90 degree temperatures and nice warm soil. Unlike most annuals and perennials, they are at their best in late summer and they keep right on blooming rightRead More

Know Your Dahlias: Flower Styles and Sizes
Dahlias make it easy to keep your garden colorful from late summer through fall. As other annuals and perennials are starting to fade, dahlias are turning on the flower power in an all out effort to dazzle and amaze — all theRead More

Top Performing Dahlias for Summer 2016
It’s dahlia season and the plants in our New Jersey trial garden are starting to hit their stride. Where I live, in northern Vermont, my dahlias have been blooming for almost a month already. The weather has been ideal for them — warm, sunnyRead More

Planting Dahlias in Your Vegetable Garden
One thing all dahlia lovers have in common is a shortage of growing space. No matter how big your garden is, there are always more must-have varieties than you have room for. Last spring, I filled up my cutting garden and perennial beds with plants I hadRead More