Planted Your Fall Bulbs Yet? There’s Still Time!
Flower bulbs are incredibly forgiving. This fact is driven home to us every year when we start planting fall bulbs in our New Jersey trial garden. We always intend to get this project underway sooner, but have accepted the fact that for us, plantingRead More

Shredded Leaves are Garden Gold
Raking leaves may not be your favorite thing to do on a beautiful fall day. But rather than thinking of it as a chore, think of it as harvesting! For gardeners, shredded leaves are the season’s most abundant – andRead More

How to Protect Flower Bulbs from Voles
Voles are cute little mouse-like rodents with long tails and big appetites. Unlike moles, which are carnivores, voles are strictly herbivores. They eat plant roots and tubers, mushrooms, berries, seeds and nuts, and the bark of shrubs and small trees. And, unfortunately, theyRead More

Out with the Tomatoes, In with the Tulips
Wouldn’t it be fun to plant a LOT of tulips this fall? Maybe 200. Or why not 500? Enough to have your own spring cutting garden with a full range of flower styles and bloom times. To finally experience some ofRead More

Midsummer Maintenance Tips for Perennial Gardens
Part of what makes public gardens like Sissinghurst, Kew or Longwood so impressive, is how well the plants are tended during the growing season. Keeping a perennial garden looking good from May to September is about more than good design and smart plantRead More

5 Tips for a More Bee-Friendly Flower Garden
Many years ago, I had a neighbor who was a beekeeper. We used to joke about him giving me a discount on honey, because I was sure his bees spent most of their time in my flower garden. I didn’t realize how trueRead More

8 Tips for Growing Better Dahlias
Dahlia fever is running wild through the gardening world and there’s no sign of it stopping anytime soon. If you have caught the dahlia bug, here are eight tips for growing bigger, better flowers this summer.

Landscaping Made Easy With Caladiums
My idea of a great summer weekend is spending 10 or 15 hours in the garden. But I know not everyone feels the same, and that includes Longfield Gardens co-owner Pete Langeveld. Pete has one of the nicest yards in his neighborhood, with neatlyRead More

Spring Garden Checklist for a Low Maintenance Flower Garden
Boost your garden’s beauty and reduce on-going maintenance with a bit of early season care. This spring garden checklist will help you focus on what matters most. Recently I met a horticulturist who practices “cocktail gardening.” She learned the techniqueRead More

How to Know When Amaryllis Bulbs Will Flower
If you recently purchased amaryllis bulbs and are wondering when they will bloom, read on! Watching and waiting is all part of the fun, but this post will give you a good idea of what to expect. There are at least three variablesRead More