12 Best Companion Plants for Hostas
Hostas have no trouble holding their own in a shady garden. Yet there are many other shade loving perennials that make excellent companions. By adding their own contrasting colors, shapes, heights and textures, these plants accentuate the simple elegance of theRead More

Love Hummingbirds? Grow Some Crocosmia!
Hummingbirds have a weakness for red flowers. So even though it’s not MY favorite color, I always try to have a few red flowers in the garden — just for the hummingbirds. Some years it’s salvias and hibiscus. Others it’s fuschias or geraniums. Always there’s CrocosmiaRead More

Midsummer Maintenance Tips for Perennial Gardens
Part of what makes public gardens like Sissinghurst, Kew or Longwood so impressive, is how well the plants are tended during the growing season. Keeping a perennial garden looking good from May to September is about more than good design and smart plantRead More

Best Ground Covers for Shade
Shade tolerant ground covers solve a multitude of landscaping problems. These plants thrive in cool, moist areas where lawns usually struggle. They hide uneven surfaces and are not fazed by steep, inaccessible slopes. Most are long-lived perennials that get moreRead More

Spring Garden Checklist for a Low Maintenance Flower Garden
Boost your garden’s beauty and reduce on-going maintenance with a bit of early season care. This spring garden checklist will help you focus on what matters most. Recently I met a horticulturist who practices “cocktail gardening.” She learned the techniqueRead More

Growing Lily of the Valley: Tips and Tales
Lily of the valley has a long and fascinating history. Over the centuries, these fragrant little blossoms have inspired stories, songs, poetry, festivals and folk traditions. When I was a child, singing rounds was a big thing and my favorite was always:Read More

Attract Butterflies to Your Garden with Liatris
Would you like to see more butterflies fluttering through your garden this summer? Based on what we’ve seen in our New Jersey trial gardens, it’s very easy to do — just plant some liatris! Last summer we planted several hundredRead More

Give Your Garden a Lift with Clematis
Clematis and other flowering vines, play a special role in flower gardens. Since these plants grow up rather than out, they fill spaces that other plants can’t, and introduce a whole new dimension of color and texture. In Britain, most flower gardens include one or moreRead More

Bartzella: The YELLOW Peony
Thinking about adding a new peony to your garden this year? With so many gorgeous varieties to choose from, it can be hard to pick a favorite. Here’s how to make that decision easy: plant a yellow one! Most gardenRead More

The Perfect Pair: Daffodils and Hostas
Daffodils blooming means spring has arrived and warmer days are ahead! I love seeing their bright yellow, orange and white blossoms popping up all over my garden and landscape. Unfortunately, daffodil foliage that hangs around too long is not what IRead More