A Midsummer Tour of Our Trial Garden
August is just a couple days away, and in our New Jersey trial garden the heat is definitely ON! We are located in the eastern part of the state about 10 miles from the ocean and summertime temperatures are typically in the 90’s. This 3/4 acre garden,Read More

How to Grow Dahlias in a Cutting Garden
It’s midsummer and the dahlias are coming on strong. This year, my cutting garden is filled with 70 of these solar-powered flower-producing machines. Hopefully this is the peak of my dahlia obsession and I’ll be able to scale back next year. (Yeah,Read More

8 Tips for Growing Better Lilies
Lilies have an elegance few other flowers can rival. With such big, exotic-looking blossoms, it seems like they’d be tricky to grow. But they’re not! Here are eight tips for growing lilies that will help you succeed with these gorgeous summer-blooming flowerRead More

Eucomis: Pineapple Lilies for Your Patio
The first time I grew eucomis was three years ago. I had never seen seen the plant or the flowers, so I didn’t know what to expect. Plus, not all tropical plants grow well here in zone 4. But there was no need for worry. This exotic-lookingRead More

Time to Jump Start Your Tuberous Begonias
For bold color in shady gardens, it’s hard to beat tuberous begonias. These lush, heat-loving plants have attractive foliage and big, rose-like flowers that bloom continuously from midsummer to frost. Planted in window boxes, hanging baskets, decorative urns or garden beds,Read More

Midsummer Update from Our Trial Garden
For Longfield Gardens, home is the Garden State: New Jersey. Our offices and warehouse are located in the eastern part of the state, less than 10 miles from the ocean. About 5 years ago, we put in a ¾ acre trial garden out back,Read More

New Tulip Bulbs for Fall 2016
Tulip bulbs make it easy to paint a masterpiece with spring-blooming flowers. This year’s lineup of new varieties offers some unexpected color combinations and unusual flower styles that are sure to inspire your creativity.

Planting Dahlias in Your Vegetable Garden
One thing all dahlia lovers have in common is a shortage of growing space. No matter how big your garden is, there are always more must-have varieties than you have room for. Last spring, I filled up my cutting garden and perennial beds with plants I hadRead More

How to Keep Container Plants Looking Their Best
Spring is here and gardeners everywhere are busy stuffing plants into pots. It’s one of my favorite rites of spring. I love selecting the plants, composing the designs and seeing instant results. At this time of year, garden centers are packed with so many beautiful, well-grownRead More

Making an Impact With Border Dahlias
The only way to really understand a plant is to grow it yourself. So in our business, we wind up growing a lot of plants. We have a large trial garden behind our offices where we test new varieties and monitor the performance ofRead More