Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

Spring is a time for renewal; inspiration blooms all around us. Iris Reticulata greets us as one of the earliest bloomers of spring.

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

Canna Medium Brilliant and caladium make a perfect combination in containers and gardens. Plant in the spring for color all summer long.

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

Dahlias make great border plants in landscapes, look charming in containers and make great cut flower arrangements. Plant in the spring and say hello to summer in bloom!

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

Winter has worn out its welcome, but fall-planted Rijnveld’s Early Sensation blooms brightly during these gray days. This early bloomer is a sign of spring to come. What activity are you seeing in your garden?

Using a Terrarium to Start Tuberous Begonias

Using a Terrarium to Start Tuberous Begonias

Terrariums are the latest trend in home décor, but did you know that you can use them to get a jump start on your garden? Terrariums can act as a countertop greenhouse for growing tuberous begonias. Spring is right around theRead More

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

Starting Tuberous Begonias Indoors

Starting Tuberous Begonias Indoors

Have you heard the old saying “You can’t fool Mother Nature?” Clearly whomever coined the phrase never started tuberous begonias indoors! Gardeners are always eager for the gardening season to begin, and sometimes winter can make us feel less like cozy hibernating bearsRead More

Welcome to Longfield Gardens

Welcome to Longfield Gardens