Container Style

Containers are the best way to style patios, decks and porches. You can get creative with pottery and easily change out the plants to reflect the seasons.



The latest trend we hear in container gardening is the concept of ‘Thrillers, Spillers and Fillers.’ Quite simply put, ‘thrillers’ are the plants that grow tallest in the containers, ‘spillers’ are the plants that hang out and down the pot and ‘fillers’ are everything in between. If you follow that successful formula, you can create beautiful, full combinations in pots.

Container design sketchesLeft: Caladium makes a great upright element that also acts as a nice filler. Pair with impatiens as a filler and creeping jenny as the spiller. Center: Yellow Canna is indeed a thriller! The upright and dynamic leaves and bloom make a great centerpiece to any container. Plant with lime coleus and begonias for a designer look. Right: Hostas make great container plants and pair wonderfully with shade loving impatiens and sweet potato vine.

Container StyleThree more great containers looks with spring planted bulbs. Mixing the right heights makes all the difference! Left & Center: Elephant ear and caladium make a great combination! Right: Caladium and tall canna are a stylish blend foliage and blooms for impressive patio decor.



Some people prefer to do one thing and do it well. If that is more your style, you can choose bulbs and plants that take center stage in a container all on their own. Choosing a bulb or plant that is compact and blooms prolifically is a great way to create stunning containers. 

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Gladiolis glaminis are half the height of regular glads, making their compact height a great choice for containers.


Border dahlias in pots are perfectDecorative border dahlias have the blooming power of full size dahlias but their compact size makes them great container flowers.


EucomisEucomis boasts frilly spikes of flowers, offering you something unique in your containers.


charming containers

Left & Center: Begonias in containers alone are a charming take on a classic. Begonias have extra large blooms that are compact and ideal for containers. Begonia Non Stop are a great choice for hanging baskets. Right: Liatris has great foliage and long stems covered in purple fluffy blooms that look great in containers and attract butterflies!



No matter what your container style is, we have ideas to fill your pots. We hope you have found this inspirational and beautiful. Happy container gardening!