Hosta Inspiration

Perhaps no other garden plant has been so underestimated as hostas. Often just the classic go-to perennial for shade gardens, many people are surprised at the variation in leaves and uses in gardens and containers. Hostas can inspire every gardener to try something new, or refine classic uses. However you choose to garden with hostas, you are sure to get beautiful results year after year with this simple to grow perennial.

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Plant a variety of different hostas along walkways for a foliage forest of soft beauty.


Hostas along front porch

Some hosta varieties have blooms along long sturdy stems that attract butterflies. Soften landscapes and plant with other perennials and annuals.


Leaf texture

Hosta leaves come in an array of interesting shapes, sizes and colors. Some look almost painted on, while others boast solid leaves in different hues of greens, yellows, lime, greenish blue tints and even white!


Hostas in pots and as bordersSoften patio containers and walkways with graceful hosta foliage.


Hosta borders with evergreen shrubsCombine Hostas in containers with evergreen shrubs and larger leaf hostas for a charming garden.