Using Terrariums to Force Begonias Indoors

Starting begonias indoors is a great way to satisfy your craving for gardening and ensures you will have containers full of blooms when it warms up and is time to decorate your outdoor space.

Begonias are spring planted tubers that grow and bloom into upright or hanging flowers (depending on the variety you choose). They are perfect in your garden beds, walkway borders and containers.

Forcing begonias is actually quite simple and this Terrarium Begonia Kit from Longfield Gardens is perfect for this indoor gardening project! It has everything you need to force a begonia: soil, tuber, pot, ceramic dish and glass bell jar. The terrarium creates the ideal environment for your tuber to get a strong head start on spring. It’s like having a counter top greenhouse! 

Begonia Kit

Have you tried forcing begonias indoors? Download our Simple Guide to Forcing Begonias to find out everything you need to know to grow a begonia using a terrarium and order your Begonia Terrarium Kit here.