Spring Bloom Times – Enjoy 60 Days of Color!


In the fall, gardeners make plans to plant flower bulbs for brighter spring gardens, landscapes and bouquets. With a little understanding and forethought, you can extend your flowering season by choosing the right bulbs that bloom one right after another for up to 60 days!

Bulb gardening is very easy by nature, just dig up some dirt, put in some bulbs and wait. We are excited to share our new infographic that breaks bulb gardening into spring’s 4 ‘sub-seasons’ – very early spring, early spring, mid-spring and late spring.

Spring Color – 60 Days of Flowers illustrates exactly what bulbs will bloom during which phase of spring. You can easily choose bulbs from each category, plant in the fall and enjoy blooms from March into June. Simplifying bulb gardening is one of the many things we strive for, and understanding blooms times is easier than ever with this handy guide.

Download the bloom time infographic below, and start choosing your spring-blooming flower bulbs at www.longfield-gardens.com. Looking for the bloom times for summer blooming bulbs as well? You’ll find our complete spring-summer-fall bloom time chart HERE

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