6 Ways to Control Garden Slugs and Snails
They may look harmless, but slugs and snails can cause a surprising amount of damage in a garden. They chew holes in leaves, munch on flower buds and fruit, and devour tender seedlings, leaving a trail of silvery slime wherever theyRead More

Amaryllis Bulbs: Why Size Matters
During the holiday season, amaryllis bulbs are readily available at a wide range of different prices. Here’s how to decide which bulbs are the best value. Flower bulbs contain stored food energy. When a bulb starts growing, it uses these reserves to fuel its growth and flower production.Read More

Adventures in Late Fall Bulb Planting
Every year I say I’m going to plant bulbs early enough in the fall season so that my fingers are not freezing off as I’m planting bulbs in the soil. Last year I had high hopes, but come November 1Read More

Protecting Gardens from Deer
After waiting for months to my see tulips bloom, it’s both heartbreaking and infuriating to have them mowed down by deer. But when deer populations are high, and the deer are really hungry, as they are in the spring, gardeners haveRead More

Fragrant Spring-Blooming Bulbs
To banish memories of cold, grey winter days, there’s nothing more effective than the rainbow colors of daffodils, tulips and hyacinths. Add some fragrant bulbs and your spring garden becomes twice as delightful! Which spring-blooming bulbs smell the best? Hyacinths and daffodils top theRead More

Spring Bulbs for Naturalizing
The best way to get a big display of spring color without a lot of work, is to plant bulbs that will come back on their own year after year. Spring-blooming bulbs such as daffodils, crocus, scilla, chionodoxa, snowdrops and alliums canRead More

Spring Bloom Times – Enjoy 60 Days of Color!
In the fall, gardeners make plans to plant flower bulbs for brighter spring gardens, landscapes and bouquets. With a little understanding and forethought, you can extend your flowering season by choosing the right bulbs that bloom one right after anotherRead More

The Tulip House – Bulb Garden Inspiration
After a long and cold winter, spring arrived and my fall-planted bulbs started to bloom…and bloom…and bloom. WOW! Did they ever bloom! My front and back yard are flowering in full force and I have had many people call, textRead More

Home Grown Strawberries and a Recipe
I love summer produce, the farmer’s market, tomatoes warmed by the sun and growing my own fruits and vegetables! I am always looking for new recipes based on what’s growing in my raised beds and patio. Last year I successfullyRead More

From The Child of a Gardener
I love seeing my children’s school work come home when they are first learning to spell and express themselves on paper. This week was no different! My 2nd grade daughter’s class has been learning about the plant life cycle. SheRead More